10 October 2009

Not 100, but 10 Things About Me

A common sidebar in many blogs is the “100 Things About Me.” Sometimes details are so self-indulgent you can almost taste the stickiness. While that can be entertaining when reading other blogs, it's just not my style.Few things need to be known about me and I prefer to express even fewer. So I’ll just give you 10 general attributes of my personality that help to color my posts. Keep in mind that these are only generalities.
1) Passionate about everything I hold dear, so you fill in the blanks as you see fit (mental health, my beliefs, writing, photography, art, music). This can make life exciting for those travelling life's roads with me. In the words of Bette Davis, “Fasten your seatbelts, it’s going to be a bumpy ride!” Although this description makes me sound frantic and somewhat out of control; on the contrary, I accomplish all this in a laid back stance. I let life lead the way.
2) Easily bored. Unimpressed by the norm and seeker of the unusual paths in life.
3) Ethically and morally driven with a deep sense of spirituality, however, I’m not fond of structured religion and dogma. I haven't yet found my niche in the religious world, if there is such a place for me at all.
4) I like to laugh. Anyone who can make me laugh I count as my friend, including my therapist. If you’ve got a wry or sophisticated sense of humor, I love you even more! I typically see humor in most things; life sometimes seems to be one gigantic cosmic joke.

5) Compassionate. Hater of injustice, misery, and intolerance; I’m a kind person and am personally injured when witnessing others’ pain.

6) Intellectually curious and always in search of answers. I’m the one at the cocktail party who loves to find out as much as possible about others and am truly interested in what others have to say, but not usually impressed with what most find important. While I’m very intrigued with the whys and hows of the widgets people invent, I’m equally fascinated with the whys and hows of their current positions in life.

7) Vulnerable (not to be confused with gullible). What's the expression? Gentle as a dove and wise as a fox? I’ve been burned too badly in life so I’m a glass is half emptyl kind of girl and prefer to view the best in people. Yet I can be incredibly cynical when presented with certain types of individuals who can’t look me directly in the eye or give me a warm heartfelt handshake or hug when appropriate.

8) Eccentric. I have ways about me.

9) Commitment phobic. Ask me to dinner two weeks from now and chances are pretty substantial that I’ll cancel shortly before the scheduled event. Spontaneity is more what I’m about. Ask me to fly to Alaska in two hours, give me a chance to grab my mosquito spray and I’m on the next flight!

10) Mysterious. Quiet. Pensive. Rarely what people think I am.

So that's me. And you?

original post Sunday, August 07, 2005

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